• Chairman's Message

    Hi All


    As a former player and current coach it is a great honor for me to be the Chairman of New Ross Rugby Football Club.


    I want the club to hold the highest standards possible, to promote New Ross Rugby Club values and to continue its legacy. I see the committee as a team working to deliver on our vision for the future. A vision that includes:


    - Minis rugby enjoyment

    - Youths thriving

    - Senior rugby teams winning

    - Better facilities


    It is very important across the club from minis to senior teams and at committee level that everyone understands their role and responsibility within our great club. We have put in place policies and processes for our players to excel. Currently our Director of Rugby is rolling out a system of play for all players, to create continuity through the age groups.


    A big thank you must go out to those implementing this vision, coaches at all levels, players for giving their all for the club and committee members for making sure the players and coaches have the tools to do that. This club would not exist without you, the members, and the dedication of the committee and all the volunteers.


    And for us to provide the improved facilities for your club we will need your help. We have identified the following areas that need development:


    - Female dressing rooms, showers and toilets

    - On site gym accessible to all

    - All weather pitch for improved participation


    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, the club has played a big part in my life and will do for so many years to come and I look forward to the journey ahead.


    Le Meas/Regards


    Darren Molloy


    New Ross RFC Chairman 2024/25


  • History

    There is no definitive history of rugby in New Ross....yet. We are hoping that there is a budding historian out there that might see their way to doing this someday or even a journalistic student who might do it as a project. But in the meantime we have a synopsis written by the late Hugo French for a programme for the official opening of the pavilion at Southknock on Sunday 31st August 1975.


    "In September 1970, Dr. Mick Lucey, Brendan O'Keeffe and Fr. Jack McCabe came together to reintroduce Rugby Football to New Ross after an absence of many years. Gathering support and enthusiasm from all over, the first general meeting was held in November and Barry Foley was elected President, Mick Lucey-Captain, Fr.Jack McCabe-Vice Captain, Gerry Walshe-Treasurer and Brendan O'Keeffe-Secretary.


    Initially a Club without a home, training took place in Wally Gannon's stubble field by day and the Five Counties Hotel carpark by night. Through the continued generosity of Wally Gannon, the club moved to more suitable playing grounds- namely Wally's Hillfield.


    Our first match, wearing our now familiar "Munster Red" jerseys resulted in a wonderful victory against Waterpark on 4th December 1970, by 17pts to 14pts. Two weeks later we defeated the "ould enemy" Wexford by 18pts to 10pts. In March 1971, we played our first competitive game, losing to Edenderry in the Town's Plate by 16pts to 9pts.


    Before the end of our first season we purchased our present grounds of 4.6 acres at a cost of £4,200. Originally the intention was to sell off the front half of the field for building sites and have one pitch on the inner half. However, with the increase in playing membership it became necessary to develop the entire field to make two playing pitches. The IRFU then purchased the field and became our generous landlords. The additional playing facilities has enabled the Club to develop youth rugby in the area under the guidance of Brian Healy and Bro. Gleeson.


    Evolving from the original design of Barry Supple, erection of the Club Pavilion commenced in early 1974 and through the great work and efforts of John Bolger, Tom Flynn, Eoin Minihan, Brian Healy and many others, we now arrive at another milestone in our brief history.


    After a couple of abortive attempts, New Ross Rugby Football Club was founded in 1936. This was due almost entirely to the drive and enthusiasm of the late Paddy Fleming, who rounded up players, helped coach them, arranged fixtures and transport, obtained pitches and looked after the hundred and one items that crop up in the running of a club.


    On the administrative side he received great support from the late Dick O'Grady (who was also to the forefront in the foundation of our present club) and Charles Harding of the National Bank. Our first president was the late Capt. Alfred Place of Rosemount.


    As the GAA. ban was then in force, it was not always easy to have 15 players every week but with the help of a few members of the Soccer club; notably Andy Shortall and Josie Furness, we always managed to field a full team.


    As only four or five of the original team had even seen a rugby match, it took a while before the Club found its feet, but by degrees they became a force to be reckoned with. Among the players in those early days were the late Paddy and Michael Fleming, Joe Gantly, Johnny Doyle, Terry Kelly and happily still hale and hearty, Noel Colfer, Andy Minihan, Billy Nolan, Bill Quigley, Garry Roche, Fergus Coghlan, Frank Moriarty and Pat Cullen. From the Banks we had Dermot Mahon(our first captain), Matt Kirby, Mick Sheedy and Gerry Walshe and the late Tom McCarthy who was an active committee man and acted as referee.


    When the War started in 1939 unlike many other clubs, New Ross was given a great boost as a Battalion of the Army was stationed at Bawn James for the duration and supplied many good players to the Club. The late Capt.Barry Hooper, Liets.Terry Stratham, Peadar Murphy, Sergt.Morkham, the Hooker Regan and Bobby Byrne immediately spring to mind. Transport was a problem during the Emergency but we arranged many fixtures with our good friends and neighbours Waterpark, which fixtures we could manage with the help of the good old push bike. It was no problem to reach Waterford and play the match, but the return journey sometimes presented difficulties!


    The Club went from strength to strength and in both 1943 and 1944, we reached the Semi Final of the Provincial Towns Cup and had the misfortune on each occasion to be drawn against Skerries (who were as great a power then as they are now). These matches were both played at Dublin venues and after hard matches on each occasion, Skerries were victorious and went on to win the Cup.


    When the War ended in 1945 and the Army withdrew from Bawn James, the Club was in dire straits as we had relied heavily on army players and we had no young local players coming on to fill the gaps. This mistake, I am glad to see, is not being made by the Club today with its emphasis and encouragement of youth and juvenile teams.


    Amongst the famous players to wear the Ross colours was Karl Mullen, then a young medical student and later to become Captain of Ireland's Triple Crown winning Teams. Karl was introduced to the Club by his friend, a local boy, Jimmy Walsh a fellow medical student and schoolboy interpro. Jimmy rendered sterling service to the Club until an injury cut short what would have been a promising career in rugby. Dr. Garrett Hickey turned out for the Club when he was home on holidays.


    In contrast to the present Club with its two playing pitches and fine pavilion, which is a tribute to the club members who built it by their own voluntary efforts, we had no permanent home. Our first pitch was at Talbot Hall, then we moved to Rosbercon and later to Ballybeg and finally to Dowsleys Barn. Our first Towns' Cup match was against Kilkenny who defeated us 27pts to Nil and our last was also against Kilkenny who beat us 3pts to Nil.


    It is very gratifying to see members of the second generation carrying on the tradition and playing an active part in the present Club; notably our Hon. Sec Brian Dunphy, whose father the late John Dunphy and Uncle, Dr. Des Dunphy turned out for the Club in the early days, Eoin Minihan, Ray French, the O'Grady Bros., Tom Kelly. I hope that they and all the other members get as much fun and enjoyment from the New Ross Rugby Club as we did in our day."


    A.H.French, President 1975.


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     The following are the minutes of the first meetings of the committee's of New Ross Rugby Football club:


    At the first AGM of the newly formed New Ross Rugby Football club held at the Five Counties Hotel on Thursday the 12th November 1970 the following were present, Tom Kelly, D.Griffin, J.Greene, L.Kirwan, D.O'Brien, S.Walsh, B.Keenan, M.O'Brien, P.G.Walsh, P.Rossiter, S.McGillicuddy, E.McKeogh, R.O'Grady, Dr.G.Hickey, E.Streed, H.French, M.Gaynor, B.Sweeney, B.Foley, B.Supple, Fr.J.McCabe, Dr.M.Lucey, M.Freaney, R.Twomey, M.Brennan, B.O'Keeffe, P.Ryan, B.Dunphy, Mr. G.Tyrell, C.Broderick.


    The following officers were elected for the coming year. President; Mr. B.Foley, Vice Presidents; Dr.G.Hickey, H.French, R.O'Grady, P.G.Walsh, P.Rossiter, P.Ryan. Treasurer; Mr.P.G.Walsh, Hon.Sec; B.O'Keeffe, Captain; Dr.M.Lucey, Vice Captain; Fr.J.McCabe. The following names were put forward for the committee, B.Supple, J.Greene, M.Brennan, S.Mcgillicuddy, W.Gannon, M.Gaynor, L.Kirwan, M.Freaney. After a ballot the following were elected, B.Supple, M.Gaynor and M.Brennan.


    The sub for the following year was agreed at 30/= to be paid before the end of November. After a discussion it was decided that youths, under 18's, pay a sub of 5/= per annum. The club colours were agreed as red jerseys with white trunks. A discussion on ways and means of raising funds was held and after many suggestions the matter was left to the committee to solve.


    Apologies for their absence was received from Dr.Cox, Fethard-On-Sea, P.Condon and Mr.Wm.Lenihan. Fr.McCabe started the meeting by introducing Dr.Lucey who then gave a brief resume of events to date and made an appeal for the formation of the Club.


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    And the following are extracts from minutes from meetings of that first committee in 1970, that lead up to the creation of the Southknock pitches that we still reside at today:


    General Committee Meeting 21st December 1970


    At a committee meeting held in the Five Counties Hotel on Monday 21st December, the following were present, Wm.Foley, Dr.Lucey, M.Brennan, M.Gaynor, B.Supple and B.O'Keeffe. Apologies received from Fr.J.McCabe.


    Minutes of the AGM were read and signed. The President then asked if all subscriptions had been paid up. Mr.Supple asked if membership cards had been printed, he said he had at least ten potential members willing to pay. Dr.Lucey said he was waiting for permission from the Town Clerk to use the Town Crest, on receipt of which he would get the cards and send them to all paid up members. He stated he had a list of Eighty names, many not yet paid. The Committee agreed to divide up the list and each member collect from those in his own area.


    Mr.Supple suggested we get rules and regulations for the Club drawn up.The Secretary was instructed to write to the Leinster Branch inquiring about tickets for this years Internationals and also to inquire if we are entitled to any financial aid and also to find out from Mr.B.Hannon about the Emanuel College Tour.


    Dr.Lucey proposed we accept the insurance policy arranged by the Leinster Branch, the Secretary was instructed to write for particulars of same.


    The President thanked Dr.Lucey for his tremendous efforts both on and off the field in getting the Club under way. He also asked Dr.Lucey to share the heavy burden with other members. The question of fund raising was put forward to the next meeting.


    Mr.B.Supple raised the following points,1. Informing the public of forthcoming fixtures, he suggested a printed poster with dates etc. filled in, posted in a few shops around the town. Dr.Lucey undertook to get these posters. 2.Dates for training he suggested we leave those not playing a match on Sundays train on Saturdays, and a ball be left at W.Gannons for this purpose. The team for the following week to be picked on Tuesday night and the Secretary to notify the players by postcard. 3.A gathering of the team after each match to point out the mistakes of players.

    Mr.P.Heffernan and Mr.W.Colfer were elected vice presidents of the Club proposed by Dr.Lucey and seconded by W.Foley. The subsription for vice presidents was fixed at £3.


    General Committee Meeting 20th January 1971


    ....the point of paying rent to W.Gannon for the field was discussed at length during the course of which the sale of Miss A.Holden's 4.8 acre field behind the Hotel on the following day was raised. It was decided that Mr.B.Supple would attend the auction on the following day and bid for the field on behalf of the committee members and try and purchase the field....


    General Committee Meeting 26th January 1971


    Dr.Lucey thanked Mr.B.Supple on behalf of the Club for his efforts in purchasing the land behind the Five Counties Hotel for the Club, this vote of thanks was seconded by all present....Mr.T.Kelly was appointed Club solicitor.........it was agreed that trustees should be appointed..........The following were proposed and elected, Mr.G.Walsh, M.Brennan, B.O'Keeffe, Fr.J.McCabe and B.Foley.........


    Fr.McCabe undertook to see Mr.Gordon of the Planning Office about outline planning permission for the proposed building sites on the road side.......Mr.O'Keeffe offered to buy the sites for the sum paid for the whole field pending planning permission, Mr.G.Walsh proposed that the Club should give favourable consideration to this offer.......it was agreed that the Club should provide soup and sandwiches for Saturday games and a meal for Sunday games.


    General Committee Meeting 23rd February 1971


    Fr.McCabe reported on a meeting he had with the Planning Officer and that planning was forthcoming for one house per quarter acre with septic tank to be provided for each one.....Mr.G.Walsh and B.Supple were instructed to see Mr.Tom Walsh, auctioneer, about Mr O'Keeffe's offer.....


    M.Brennan reported on the first social which everyone felt was a first rate success. He said that with a few tickets yet to be paid, the overall takings were £224 and expenses as follows, hotel £120, Band £30, The Emeralds £27, printing £5 leaving a net profit of £47.50


    General Commitee Meeting 1st April 1971


    B.Supple reported from his meeting with Mr.T.Kelly, solicitor, and said Mr.Kelly was in favour of selling the sites in one lot at which point Mr.O'Keeffe said he had reluctantly to withdraw his offer.....Fr.McCabe proposed the land should be put in the hands of Tom Walsh.....offer the sites for £725 each or £4000 the lot...May 6th was set for AGM


    Subsequently it was decided by the committee to sell the lands to the IRFU and become tenents of same and retain all the land for two pitches. There are accurate minutes for all subsequent meetings held by the Club.

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  • New Ross RFC Today


    In the 2023/24 season, the demographics of the playing members in the club are substantially different with: 

    • Over 55 senior men players
    • Over 35 senior women players
    • Over 125 male youth rugby players(U13s to U18.5s)
    • Over 75 female youth rugby players(U14s to U18.5s)
    • Over 200 minis rugby players (U7s to U12s)
    • Over 15 adult disability rugbyplayers (the Dunbrody Warriors)
    • Over 40 rugby nursery players (age4 to 6)

    During the playing season, on any given weekend, the club may field up to 13 different adult and youth teams plus up to 20 minis rugby teams.

  • Roles, Officers & Committees

    President: Brendan Roche

    Chairman: Darren Molloy

    Honorary Secretary: Andrew Halpin

    Honorary Treasurer: John Hickey

    Club Welfare Officer: Deborah Ryan

    Public Relations Officer: Aideen Brazil

    Director of Rugby: David Crowdle

    Club Captain: Emma Flood

    Men's Team Captain: Rory Browne

    Youth Co-ordinator: Conor Kehoe

    Minis Co-ordinator: Nicky Haberlin

    Coaching Co-ordinator: PJ Phelan

    Girls Rugby Co-ordinator: Anne Marie Moloney

    Subscription Secretary: Sean Sutton

    Grounds Chair: Peter O'Brien

    Club Caretaker: Noel Bennett

    Ticket Secretary: Tony Brazil

    Fixtures Secretary: Bob Doyle

    Vice Presidents: V. Longeran, T. Walsh, B. Doyle, N. Furness, P. Caulfield, P. O'Brien, D. Moloney, M. Bailey & D. Burke

    General Committee


    Aideen Brazil

    Rory Browne

    David Crowdle

    Seamus Doyle

    Emma Flood

    Derek Furness

    Nicky Haberlin

    Andrew Halpin

    John Hickey

    Conor Kehoe

    Tommy McLoughlin

    Darren Molloy

    Damien Phelan

    Brendan Roche

    Sean Sutton


    Development Committee


    Seamus Doyle

    Emma Flood

    Derek Furness

    Andrew Halpin

    John Hickey

    Georgina Hearne

    Janelle Kirwan

    Padraig Lyng

    Tommy McLoughlin

    Darren Molloy


    Fundraising Committee


    Rory Browne

    Jimmy Bryan

    Tim Coughlan

    Aoife Finnerty

    Emma Flood

    Nicky Haberlin

    Laura Keenan

    Janelle Kirwan

    Sophine O'Neill

    James Ryan

    Sponsorship Committee


    Jack Harte

    Mick Seale

  • Honorary Life Members

    M.J. Lucey, W. Gannon, M.J. Gleeson, B.L. Dunphy, P.G. Walsh, J.J. McCabe, M.O. Kehoe, P.J. Ryan, G. Campbell, F. Shortall, P. O'Brien, M. Brennan, E. Minihan, M. Doyle Snr., R. French, P. Walsh, J. Furlong, M. Furlong, T. Furlong & M. Seale.

  • Club Honours

    Representative Honors


    Tadhg Furlong: Leinster U19, Leinster Senior, Ireland Senior, British and Irish Lions

    Karl Mullen: Ireland Senior, British and Irish Lions


    Owen Bailey: Connacht U18

    Richie Bolger: Leinster U18

    Kevin Burke: Leinster U18, Ireland U18, Ireland U19

    Kieren Butler: Leinster U18, Ireland U18, Ireland U19

    Kevin Browne: Leinster A Schools

    Pete Caulfield: Leinster Junior

    Michael Cody: Leinster Junior

    Gary Conway: Leinster U18, IRFU Referee

    Ibar Conway: Leinster U18

    Mark Conway: Leinster U18

    Conor Dempsey: Leinster A Schools

    Kathryn Dempsey: Leinster U18

    Shona Flanagan: Leinster U18

    Derek Furness: Leinster Junior

    Nicky Furness: Leinster Junior

    Paul Harrington: Leinster Junior

    Brendan Howlin: Leinster Junior

    Kieron Howlin: Leinster Junior

    Kieran Moloney: Ireland U20, Leinster A Senior

    Morgan Purcell: Leinster U18

    Eve Prendergast: Leinster U18

    Ger Ronan: Leinster U18

    Jim Ryan: Leinster Junior

    John Sutton: Leinster U18, Ireland U18, Leinster U19

    Robbie Vallejo: Ireland U18, Leinster U19, Ireland U19


    Leinster Titles


    Womens Leinster League Division 4 2010/2011

    Womens Leinster League Division 3 2011/2012

    Womens Leinster League Division 4 2019/2020

    Womens Leinster League Division 3 2022/2023

    Paul Cusack Cup 2023


    Mens Leinster League Division 3 2001/2002

    Provincial Towns Plate 2001/2002

    Boys U18 Leinster Cup 2003/2004

    Boys U14 McGowan Cup 2005/2006

    Boys U19 Leinster League Premier 2009/2010

    Mens Leinster League Division 2B 2013/2014

    Boys U19 Leinster Division 1 Cup 2013/2014

    Michael Dunne Cup 2013/2014

    Boys U17 Leinster League Division 2 2013/2014

    Boys U19 Leinster League Division 2 2015/2016

    Boys U17 Leinster League Division 2 2015/2016

    Mens Leinster League Division 2B 2016/2017

    Mens Leinster League Division 2B 2021/2022